How do you cope with adversity and what gives you hope in such circumstances?
We'd like to invite you to our next CMA in-person event taking place on Saturday 22nd March, from 11am - a day of recollection in St Aloysius Church in Euston, London. The theme of the day is 'Hope', in keeping with the theme of the Jubilee year of Hope and also a topic that is particularly relevant in view of the current proposal of a potential change in the law on Assisted suicide.
Fr Tom Lynch, who has spoken at previous events arranged by the former youth branch, will be giving a talk on 'Hope in Adversity' followed by a time of reflecting on and discussing questions arising from the talk as it applies both to us and to our work as healthcare students, trainees and professionals.
We hope attendees will enjoy meeting one another and spending time together over the lunch break. The afternoon will be a time for prayer, Mass and reflection, focused on Our Lord Jesus. Please RSVP by Wednesday 19th March 2025 to Please note, entrance to the hall will be permitted only to those who have registered.

How do you cope with adversity and what gives you hope in such circumstances? We'd like to invite you to our next CMA in-person event taking place on Saturday 22nd … Continue reading Hope In Adversity – CMA Youth Day Retreat
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St Aloysius Catholic Church 20 Phoenix Rd, London, United KingdomHow do you cope with adversity and what gives you hope in such circumstances? We'd like to invite you to our next CMA in-person event taking place on Saturday 22nd … Continue reading Hope In Adversity – CMA Youth Day Retreat