Lord, have mercy on him (her)
Christ, have mercy on him (her)
Lord, have mercy on him (her)

Holy Mary, pray for him (her)
All you holy Angels and Archangels, pray for him (her)
Holy Abel, pray for him (her)
All you choirs of the righteous, pray for him (her)

Holy Abraham, pray for him (her)
St John the Baptist, pray for him (her)
St Joseph, pray for him (her)
All you holy Patriarchs and Prophets, pray for him (her)

St Peter, pray for him (her)
St Paul, pray for him (her)
St Andrew, pray for him (her)
St John, pray for him (her)
All you holy Apostles and Evangelists, pray for him (her)
All you holy disciples of our Lord, pray for him (her)

All you holy Innocents, pray for him (her)
St Stephen, pray for him (her)
St Lawrence, pray for him (her)
All you holy Martyrs, pray for him (her)

St Sylvester, pray for him (her)
St Gregory, pray for him (her)
St Augustine, pray for him (her)
All you holy Bishops and Confessors, pray for him (her)

St Benedict, pray for him (her)
St Francis, pray for him (her)
St Camillus, pray for him (her)
St John of God, pray for him (her)
All you holy Monks and Hermits, pray for him (her)

St Mary Magdalene, pray for him (her)
St Lucy, pray for him (her)
All you holy Virgins and Widows, pray for him (her)
All you Men and Women, Saints of God, make intercession for him (her)

Be merciful to him (her), spare him (her) O Lord
Be merciful to him (her), set him (her) free O Lord
Be merciful to him (her), deliver him (her) O Lord

From your wrath, deliver him (her) O Lord
From the danger of death, deliver him (her) O Lord
From an evil death, deliver him (her) O Lord
From the pains of hell, deliver him (her) O Lord
From all evil, deliver him (her) O Lord
From the power of the devil, deliver him (her) O Lord

Through your Nativity, deliver him (her) O Lord
Through your Cross and Passion, deliver him (her) O Lord
Through your Death and Burial, deliver him (her) O Lord
Through your holy Resurrection, deliver him (her) O Lord
Through your wonderful Ascension, deliver him (her) O Lord
Through the grace of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, deliver him (her) O Lord

In the day of Judgment, deliver him (her) O Lord
We sinners, we beseech you to hear us
That you would spare him (her), we beseech you, hear us

Lord, have mercy on him (her)
Christ, have mercy on him (her)
Lord, have mercy on him (her)