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Retreat for Healthcare Workers at Worth Abbey

31st May 2024 - 2nd June 2024

CMA Retreat at Worth Abbey

Friday May 31st – Sunday June 2nd 2024

Dear CMA member,

You are warmly invited to attend a retreat for healthcare workers at Worth Abbey in Sussex. The Abbey is home to a community of Benedictine monks in a beautiful and peaceful setting. This will be a great opportunity to take a break from the pressures of healthcare work and reflect on the vocation to the caring professions.

Accommodation will be in ensuite rooms with all meals provided.

The retreat will be led by our Chaplain, Canon John O’Leary who is also rector of Allen Hall seminary in London along with Fr Michael Jarmulowicz who is currently a parish priest in London but also a consultant histopathologist and former CMA president. The themes of preaching will reflect the feasts and seasons coinciding with the retreat:

Friday May 31st – Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
“The significance of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary for being a missionary disciple today.”

Saturday June 1st – First Day of the Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
“Coronary Care: Devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus”

Sunday June 2nd – Solemnity of Corpus Christi
“The Healing Power of the Eucharist”

In addition to the programme of preaching, there will be Holy Mass daily, Holy Rosary and plenty of free time for private prayer and relaxation in the Abbey grounds. Canon John and Fr Michael will also be available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and personal spiritual direction. There will also be the opportunity to join timetabled prayer with the monks.

Please click the red button below for tickets. The retreat is also open to non-members of the CMA and we encourage you to invite other healthcare students and workers to attend. We look forward to meeting you at Worth.

God bless,

Dr Mike Delany
President CMA UK


TWO NIGHTS: £180 (Student: £100)
ONE NIGHT: £90 (Student: £50)


Please note that the CMA would not wish any member to miss out on the retreat due to lack of funds. We will be happy to consider partial subsidies to a limited number.

To discuss a subsidy, please email Mike Delany: eventmike23@gmail.com



31st May 2024
2nd June 2024
Event Category:
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Worth Abbey
Paddockhurst Rd,
Crawley, RH10 4SB United Kingdom